Dünya Medyasında DABATEM
Kitlesel travma olaylarının yarattığı sonuçlar ruh sağlığı uzmanları kadar halk sağlığı uzmanlarını, sosyal ve siyaset bilimcilerini, insan hakları çalışanlarını, uluslararası hukukçuları, siyasetçileri, politika belirleyicileri ve çeşitli devlet ve sivil toplum örgütlerini yakından ilgilendirmesi nedeniyle DABATEM’in bilimsel araştırmaları dünya medyasının ilgisini çekmektedir. Aşağıda DABATEM’in dünya medyasında yer alan röportajlarından ve araştırma bulguları ile ilgili haber ve makalelerden bazıları sıralanmıştır.
Radyo Röportajları
BBC WORLD SERVICE, How to cope with earthquake trauma by Claudia Hammond. March 8, 2023.
BYU RADIO, The Morning Show. Torture’s psychological toll by Julie Rose, January 6, 2015.
BBC WORLD SERVICE: Psychological treatment for trauma caused by earthquakes by Claudia Hammond. April 27, 2011.
RADIO NEW ZEALAND: Metin Basoglu interview on Christchurch earthquake by Lloyd Scott. February 24, 2011.
HUNGARIAN STATE RADIO “MR1 Kossuth”: “Challenge – themes the World disputes” by Judith Esti. March 26, 2010.
BAVARIAN RADIO 2: Folter und Propoganda, broadcast in program entitled “IQ Wissenschaftsmagazine (IQ Science Magazine), October 2, 2007.
Gazete ve Dergi Röportajları
BBC: How to heal the ‘mass trauma’ of Covid-19. By Ed Prideaux. February 4, 2021.
QUARTZ. The psychology of coronavirus fear—and how to manage it. By Annabelle Timsit. March 9, 2020.
THE NEW YORK TIMES. Why Do You Grab Your Bag When Running Off a Burning Plane? by Eric Nagourney. May 11, 2019.
RADIO TIMES. Do trigger warnings on TV do more harm than good by Thomas Ling. July 25, 2018.
THE NEW YORK TIMES. More Than 150 Women Described Sexual Abuse by Lawrence Nassar. Will Their Testimony Help Them Heal? by Benedict Carey, January 26, 2018.
SCIENCE. Scientists to Trump: Torture doesn’t work by John Bohannan, January 27, 2017.
BBC: The secrets of extraordinary survivors by Michael Bond. August 14, 2015.
WIENER ZEITUNG: Folter ist ein Herrschaftsinstrument by Von Alexander U. Mathé. December 9, 2014.
THE TELEGRAPH: Trigger warnings: more harm than good? by Florence Waters. October 4, 2014.
NEW SCIENTIST: Beyond torture: the science of interrogation by Dan Jones. Vol. 205, no. 2750, 2010, p.40-43.
ABC NEWS: The lingering effects of torture by Devine Powell, Inside Science News Service, Washington. July 3, 2009.
EUREKALERT: Cruel and inhuman treatment causes more mental damage than physical torture. Press release, June 2, 2009.
ASSOCIATED PRESS: Mental Trauma Rampant After China Earthquake by Audra Ang, May 27, 2008.
THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Line between Torture and Cruelty by Nicholas Bakalar, March 6, 2007.
ASSOCIATED PRESS: Ill Treatment May be as Traumatic as Torture by William J. Kole, March 5, 2007.
AGENCE FRANCE PRESS: Mental Torture as Just as Damaging: Report by Louise Daily, March 6, 2007.
THE BOSTON GLOBE: Mental Torture is Just as Damaging as Physical Torture by Ishani Ganguli, March 12, 2007
LOS ANGELES TIMES: Psychological Torture Just as Bad, Study Finds by Alan Zarembo, March 6, 2007.
NATURE: Psychological Attack Ran High on Torture List by Heidi Ledford, March 5, 2007.
NEW SCIENTIST: Psychological Torture ‘as Bad as Physical Torture’ by Roxanne Khamsi, March 5, 2007.
SPIEGEL: Psychische Gewalt so verheerend wie kőrperkiche Folter by Von Vlad Georgescu, March 6, 2007
BBC BOSTON: The World. Radio interview on definition of torture by Jeb Sharp, March 3, 2007.
BBC NEWS: Simulator ‘Conquers Quake Stress’ February 25, 2007.
EXPRESSO (Portugal): Vencer o medo by Nelson Marques, 31 March, 2007.
ASSOCIATED PRESS: Study Examines Stress After Balkan Wars by William J. Kole, August 2, 2005.
CNN INTERNATIONAL: Mental health effects of the tsunami in Asia by Charles Hudson, January, 2005.
DABATEM’in araştırmaları ile ilgili medya haberleri
7/03/2007 WASHINGTON POST Mental, Physical Torture Inflict Similar Pain
16/02/2007 FINANCIAL TIMES Distress management
6/03/2007 REUTERS Impact of Physical, Mental Torture Similar: Study
12/03/2007 THE BOSTON GLOBE Mental Torture Is Just As Damaging As Physical Torture
USA TODAY Experts Want New Definition of Torture
5/03/2007 HUFFINGTON POST WIRES Experts Want New Definition of Torture
6/3/2007 ST.PERTERSBURG TIMES Study links detentions to torture
6/03/2007 SFGATE.COM Mental abuse as traumatic as physical torture, study says
5/03/2007 CBS NEWS Study: Broader Torture Definitions Needed
5/03/2007 MSNBC NEWS Ill Treatment May be As Traumatic As Torture
6/03/2007 PRAVDA Provocative new study underscores need for broader definition of torture
6/03/2007 KANSAS CITY INFOZINE Physical and Psychological Torture Causes Same Mental Suffering
5/03/2007 EUREKALERT Physical And Psychological Torture Have Similar Mental Effects
5/03/2007 NEWSVINE.COM Psychological torture ‘as bad as physical torture’
5/03/2007 NEWSWISE Psychological Torture Seems to Cause as Much Mental Suffering as Physical Torture
6/03/2007 SCIENCE DAILY Psychological And Physical Torture Have Similar Mental Effects
5/03/2007 SIGN ON SAN DIEGO.COM Experts say new study underscores need for broader definition of torture
7/03/2007THE HINDU Psychological and physical torture have similar mental effects
6/03/2007 THE MONEY TIMES Mental and Physical Torture Inflict Similar Trauma
8/03/2007 SPIRITINDIA.COM Mental suffering of psychological torture equals to physical torture
24/02/2007 BBC NEWS Simulator ‘conquers quake stress’
6/03/2007 WELT ONLINE Seelische Folter ähnlich verheerend wie körperliche
5/03/2007 CANARIAS 7 La tortura psicológica daña tanto como la tortura física
17/03/2007 DEUTSCHE WELLE – WORLD.DE El maltrato psicológico es tan devastador como la tortura física
5/03/2007 CARACOL RADIO La tortura psicológica daña tanto como la tortura física
8-21/04/2007 LAS NOTICIAS DE PANAMA Tortura ¿nunca más?
5/03/2007 NOTICIAS.TERRA.COM.BR Tortura psicológica prejudica tanto quanto a física
27/02/2007 BBC BRASIL Simulador de terremoto pode ajudar vítimas a superar trauma
26/02/2007 NOTICIAS TERRA.COM.BR Criado simulador para sobreviventes de terremoto
6/03/2007 NOUVEL OBS La torture morale fait aussi mal que la torture physique
29/03/2007 PEACELINK Tortura: mai piu’?
14/03/2007 NTV Ruhsal işkence fiziksel kadar sarsıcı
6/03/2007 REFORMATORISCH DAGBLAD „Verbiedt geestelijke foltering”
25/02/2007 BBC INDONESIA Cara ‘atasi stres akibat gempa’
27/02/2007 SÀIGÒN GIAI PHÓNG ONLINE Nhà chữa chứng “stress hậu động đất”
2/6/2009 UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL Study: Cruel treatment worse than torture
3/7/2009 ABC NEWS The Lingering Effects of Torture
2/6/2009 EUROKALERT Cruel and inhuman treatment causes more mental damage than physical torture
2/6/2009 SCIENCE DAILY Cruel And Inhuman Treatment Causes More Mental Damage Than Physical Torture
2/6/2009 PSYCHOLOGY TODAY Torture research: New research shows what really makes torture hurt
3/6/2009 TOP NEWS Cruel, inhuman treatment more harmful for mental health than physical torture